Dubbya Bush is a Moron. Michael Moore is a Genius.
Never once have I been so moved by a movie. I was laughing, I was crying. I had things brought to my attention that were jaw dropping. People around me were having the same reactions. I've never considered myself all that political in nature, only because I don't understand alot of it, I try, but it ends up just sounding like Charlie Brown's Teacher to me....wah wah wah wahwahwahwah. However, after seeing this film, I wanted to run out and volunteer for John Kerry.
I'm angry that our president has done the things he's done. I'm angry that Bush sent us into war with a country he had a personal vendetta with. I'm angry that the Bush family has been fraternizing with Mid East Royalty since before Dubbya ran his first company into the ground. I'm angry that the Mid East owns roughly 7% of the US. And most of all, I'm angry that I live in a country that is supposedly so wonderful, and yet nobody on the inside has stood up, and said, "No Mr. Bush. Not in my America".
I'm also saddened. I'm sad for all the families who have watched their sons and daughters go off to war and not return. I'm sad for all the Iraqi and Afghani civilians, that we have killed or treated poorly. I'm sad that we recruit the disadvantaged youth of this country to protect us. Most of all, I'm sad that it took this movie to open my eyes to what is going on in my own country.
In the 'wise' words of Dubbya...
"Fool me once, shame on...shame on you. Fool me...you can't get fooled again".
And he has nukes....yikes. See this movie, have your friends see this movie. Buy the DVD in September...and Vote Kerry...or Babe Ruth...or anyone but Bush.
"Dubbya Bush is a Moron. Michael Moore is a Genius."
Com'n, that's like saying: Michael "flamming liberal" Moore is fat. George W. Bush is a soldier.
Michael Moore is an artist. An entertainer. He is not factual reporter. (Even those bastards are biased "fair and balanced"-my ass). I know you're a woman and still young so there is a tendency for your stereotype to be democratic. And i know that this one comment, even if i put all of my little hear into it, will not sway your vote. the fact is, i don't want to. i believe that everyone has a choice/opinion/life/mind/voice/whatever. and i hava a choice/opinion/life/mind/voice/whatever too. i also know that most conservatives are not as outspoken as democrats. b/c an outspoken conservative is a nazi/fascist. but i can't take it anymore.
i've said all i can say about that (which is, i don't agree with moore).
an the otherhand. i admire your allusions to Pulp Fiction while so far i've only seen lines from the scenes with Bruce willis and the french chick.
(i decided against making an attempt at being creepy, consider yourself lucky)
P.S. i'm only 17
Robert Ramsay, at July 3, 2004 at 6:31 PM
Out of fairness, opinions are like assholes...that's all I'm saying to that.
But as far as my Pulp Fiction references on here...just so yanno, I've used...
8 quotes from Vincent (John Travolta)
3 quotes from Jules (Sam Jackson)
1 quote from Mia (Uma Thurman)
1 quote from Fabiene ("the french chick")
2 quotes from Butch (Bruce Willis)
1 quote from Jody (Roseanna Arquette)
and 1 quote from Jimmie (Quenten T himself)
The rest of the quotes are from other Quenten movies or from my own warped head....consider yourself skooled...thank you come again.
Mia, at July 6, 2004 at 10:38 PM
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