I tried to give you a chance. I did! A real, honest to goodness chance. Even though you made my most beloved Mix 107.5 vanish into thin air one night while I was sleeping. I was trying to be the bigger person here...forgive and forget and all that. But now?
You are all bitches. I hate you. You mess with my head by playing snippets of songs I LIKE in your station bumpers, so I keep listening thinking you won't play schlock for a change...and you never, ever play anything good. You are full of Gnarls Barkely, and Britney Skankyho, and Outkast. I don't LIKE any of those people. I heard you play Technotronic once, but I think it may have been an accident on your part.
Perhaps you didn't realize that you used to be an all 80's station? You were wonderful back in the day...all 80's all the time. And you had a huge market share. People liked you! They really really liked you! Then you fucked up by turning it into an all "rock" 80's station...people didn't buy it. And yanno why? Cuz REM isn't rock. And neither is Fleetwood Mac or Kansas. But I tried to defend you, by saying you were in the middle of something at home and you'd come back to us...as your old self again. People just needed to give you time.
Now you've turned me into a big fat hairy liar. I hate you.
So, I just wanted to let you know, you suck. You suck big moldy monkey shit. Give me back my Mix 107.5. I need my Thompson Twins, and Kim Wilde....your can keep your "music that makes you move"...the only thing it makes me want to move is my bowels.
With all my hatred,
Princess Me
The winner of the video deal from my last post was the A-Ha video...I'll post that on Saturday. More people need to vote. Like Ryan Seacrest says, if you don't vote, you can't win. Or something like that. Cypress Hill - A To The K
I have a friend that works in Radio and he had told me this awhile back.
He said when the 80's Rock format was new it was popular, but however in the past 3-4 years it has fizzled out and lost popularity.
There were a few 80's rock formats in my area at one that since have switched formats.
Pennsylvania Independent, at March 8, 2007 at 4:52 PM
that really sucks eh, i love the 80's music
Neurotic Mom, at March 9, 2007 at 7:20 AM
I wish I was in Tiajuana
Eating barbecued iguana
flounder, at March 9, 2007 at 9:08 AM
You must look into satellite radio. They are really cheap right now because the two major companies are merging soon and they have to get rid of the currrent models. I saw one in the store yesterday for $19.99
I love mine. There's an 80's pop station, 80's hair band station, 90's grunge, hard rock, soft rock, whatever you feel like listening to.
Teresa Osborne, at March 10, 2007 at 10:29 AM
Don't you hate being betrayed by a friend? ha ha:)
My Blog
Chris, at March 11, 2007 at 11:02 AM
Watch what you say about Fleetwood Mac - or I'll have to come to PDX and kick your ass ;)
Love ya!
Anonymous, at March 13, 2007 at 11:37 PM
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