You know what seriously makes me want to cuss? Well, besides air? It's when people have a blatant disregard for the written word. I understand typo's. Hell, I'm the typo queen and if I didn't already type 80 words a minute, with error corrections, I probably wouldn't bother correcting all my shit either. And I'm sure I still miss an error here and there. But it's people that know their knowledge of the english language is less than stellar, to say the least, and they just don't give a shit. I know, english isn't everybodies first language....especially in this country. Hell it could be your third, fourth or tenth language, but with all the emailing and other forms of communication that require you to at least fake a grasp of the written word, I just don't undertand why someone would choose to let themselves come off as a flaming moron.
There are a couple of things off the top of my head that I just don't get. It's like when you run into somebody that you know damn well is just a dumbass. Nothing physical or mental that might inhibit their learning...they are just a mental midget. You know this...what I always wonder is if THEY realize they are a moron? Same thing with the written word, and most importantly, spelling. Dude. There are a million and two dictionaries on line, hell, you can BUY a dictionary for less than a buck...why in the name of shit would you want to keep spelling like a third grader? That's just plain laziness. I always assume that reading and writting is one skill...if you can read you should be able to write and vice there some kind of a a misfiring neuron that won't allow your brain to relay messages to your fingers?
Also, why....ohhhhhh why, don't you try to at least improve on your spelling if you know it sucks. If I did something all the time that I knew made me look like a bafoon, I'd sure as hell be trying to fix it. I'm not saying I could, but if I knew that spelling was a downfall of mine, shit, I'd sit my ass on a dictionary and hope I got better through osmosis. That's just how I roll...I don't like to look stupid. Silly, huh? And it's not only that, it's the use of the language. Learn the difference between too, to and two...for four fore, there their they're...etc etc. Absolutely, I'm sure the language is a pain in the arse to learn for the first time, but we all did it...I didn't come out of the womb ranting on a blog. I learned it just like everybody else. And! What would possess you, if you do any of those things, to go spouting off about "politiks" or "aborshon". Mmmmk. Try an edukashun on for size, dildo.
With all that in mind...what kind of fuckstick would post this on someone elses blog:
"[sic] I always thout that the girl had more talant and more longevity than Brittney, and as much as i like Xtina, I'm a Brittney girl. I even drink and show my snatch once in awhile like the frigging hoe."
Yeah, mmmmk. I'm not even gonna touch on the actual content in that, because that's just fucking stupidity but the Thout and talant...nice. You spell Brittney Skankyho's name with one T (this is just my own anal retentive nature to want to spell names correctly), I is always capitalized, we learn that in second grade...and a hoe is a garden tool, nimrod. I believe you, my special little friend, are a Ho.
See, it's shit like that. If you want to be a moron, don't put it in writting. Please, don't make the rest of us suffer along with you. I think there's an old quote about it being better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt...this should be amended to include the written word.
<> And since I'm on the topic of hubs and I are Star Trek: TNG freaks. We obsess and watch it and make happy little porny sounds when we hear the theme song...don't judge. So, if you watch it you know how loathed the character of Wesley Crusher is...played by the wonderboy Wil Wheaton. Anywho, so a couple months ago, I was looking through his blog, which is also very hated, and I went to his flickr page...needless to say, the man and I no longer say "moron"'s now:
This comment is meant for the post above but for some reason comments are unavailable there.:(
I feel the EXACT same way about spelling and just plain inaccuracies when people speak, too. Oh and I TEACH the third graders of which you sorta speak. I know we all make mistakes, but some are just more frequent (and more or less forgivable) than others.
The following are just a few that make me cringe in everyday speaking of otherwise seemingly intelligent people. Things like "supposibly" and "these ones". Never have been correct, never will.
Bottom line.:)
Janet, at January 22, 2007 at 3:28 PM
Yes. Excellent.
Some days, my hatred of Jared Fogle the Subway Sandwich whore is all that keeps me going. So glad I could help out...
Dave2, at January 22, 2007 at 3:54 PM
... dang... I new thahut you wuz mean, but this done tooke tha cake..... your way meaner then most peoples.....
Anonymous, at January 22, 2007 at 3:56 PM
Well, yore feelin's is natrul.
Your New BFF,
Miss Trash
Miss Trashahassee, at January 22, 2007 at 6:48 PM
OH MAN! Everybody beat me to the ebonics spelling in their comments before I could do it. *Hmmmph!* lol
Anonymous, at January 22, 2007 at 6:50 PM
My pet peeve is there, their and they're. It's not that difficult.
Oh and I made an I Hate Wil Wheaton webring once upon a time (2003, maybe?) I should resurrect it.
Oh look! I did a little searching and found the archived page!
Beulah, at January 23, 2007 at 11:40 AM
Just out of curiousity, you do know it's 'buffoon' don't you?
Anonymous, at January 23, 2007 at 4:06 PM
Hey! Check your email when you get a second! :)
Anonymous, at January 24, 2007 at 8:12 AM
It's always the posts about grammar or spelling that prompts people to correct something I write...why is that? lol
Mia, at January 24, 2007 at 10:07 PM
Oh man. Fuck the spelling stuff. Let's talk about TNG! w00t! Cuz didn't I just walk around work last night thinking about Sir Ian McKellen working with Patrick Stewart on the X-men crap, wondering if he felt all honored to be in the presence of Jean-Luc Picard? Why, yes I did!
Iki, at January 25, 2007 at 9:29 PM
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