What the hell is "hand tossed" salad? Yanno, like on that menu right thar?...Hand Tossed Salads. What the hell does that mean? It's kind of gross if you think about it. Some greasy cook in the back room throwing lettuce and cucumbers and 'shrooms around all willy nilly. I didn't realize that this was something special. Like a special skill. Is there a special Hand Tossing class in culinary school? Do you need a specialized degree for this? It would seem like the pizza people need training to do that spinny hand tossing the dough thing. Why wouldn't that carry over to salad? Maybe there are a whole group of people who hold a degree in "Salad Tossing".
*blank stare*
Ok, that was just funny on so many levels. Salad Tossing degree.
Like you didn't see that coming.... Digital Underground - Freaks Of The Industry
I'm still trying to figure out how one would toss a salad NOT by hand. Are there salad tossing machines? Robots? Frozen defrost-and-rechill pretossed salads?
There's also the whole "hand"-tossed aspect, implying that the chef does not use utensils (such as salad tongs) in order to mix the ingredients, bringing salad grossness to a level we haven't seen since last year, when the fresh spinach became a weapon of germ warfare.
golfwidow, at January 21, 2007 at 3:55 AM
Yanno this just opens up a whole can of worms I was not ready to open with my handy dandy hands free sharper image can opener I got for Christmas (yeah I roll like that, be jealous).
Anonymous, at January 21, 2007 at 8:55 AM
Some things are comforting that are made "by hand". Unfortunately salads are just not one of them.:)
Janet, at January 21, 2007 at 10:36 AM
GolfWidow - I'm thinking tongs...of course the salad tossing robot is an awesome idea.
Ro - Shoosh with your sharper image can opener. The blade on mine is so friggin dull...it's as ghetto as my crockpot now.
Janet - I totally agree lol
Mia, at January 21, 2007 at 2:36 PM
Anonymous, at January 21, 2007 at 6:19 PM
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